Category Archives: How we see it

Like Senator Tim Scott, Portland has its own brand of Gate Keepers.

Like Tim Scott, there’s a New generation of Gate Keepers on the scene in Portland

Like Senator Tim Scott, Portland has its own brand of Gate Keepers. 2

New Gate Keepers blocking black economic progress.

It seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I’d like to think that I have a historical lens and can see why things in Black Portland haven’t changed much or for the better in the last 40 years. One aspect of this sad situation stands out above all others and that is the evolution of the white-infused Black gatekeepers. Generationally, I guess I was hoping they would organically die out. But to my dismay, they have flourished across those broad boundaries.

These gatekeepers have been paid by white people to tell us that it ain’t all that bad and that they are working on changing it. And we should just look on the good side and count our blessings. For years these folks have been providing a false platform to give the impression that there is significant progress when in fact, there has been little. This circumstance is especially true for the masses of Blacks living in Portland. Now we have new black gatekeepers working surreptitiously on the part of white developers and newly arrived environmentalists scheming to impose a new vision that is ultimately designed to disenfranchise Black people again. In some cases, it might not be intentional but the results are the same.

The situation is reminiscent of the house Negro, the ‘field nigger’ dichotomy from slavery. These new-age house Negroes are constantly telling us, “the massa is OK”. What’s new and frightening about this whole NHN phenomenon is that they are even actively organizing others to misdirect us. They dare to criticize other Blacks for using social media to lay out their grievances and express their opinions. Hypocritically, on the other hand, they are willing to use social media to present grandiose visions and lie about the ultimate beneficiaries of their proposed visions.

So who ordained and endowed them with the special privileges to be the arbitrators of Black thought and disposition? Those self-aggrandize, self-serving operatives ought to shut up because if they haven’t already noticed, Black folks still have the highest unemployment, school dropout and incarceration rate, the lowest home and business ownership rate, and the highest health and wealth disparities rate than any other racial group. Indeed, the list just goes on.

While intent on establishing credibility among most Blacks by throwing out these illusionary visions and success bones, please note that these same NHN are equally engaged in discouraging any justifiable dissent. They rather we cover up the mess rather than expose it. They are constantly selling and pitching this utopian notion that we are on a path towards reconciliation and offering the “….. can’t we all just get along” BS.

There is a not-so-subtle attempt to fanaticize and romanticize current Black achievement and historical progress. But when put up against any white success, progress, and achievement, everybody knows we are way behind and have a profound right to be alarmed. But we can’t just be alarmed, we have to take action by any means necessary. We can’t be lulled to sleep by these compromising NHN’s, because like their predecessors, no matter what they say or claim, ultimately they mean you no good and are working at the behest of their “Masters.” Their actions are designed to assure no change in the status quo for us for another 240 years.

There are some distinct characteristics of these legendary Black gatekeepers to keep in mind:

  • They constantly seek the face and favor of powerful and influential white people;
  • They cultivate audiences and platforms focused on assimilating Blacks into the mainstream white world;
  • They always speak metaphorically about Blacks’ progress;
  • They see Black progress in increments, i.e., “ We got plenty of time to achieve white people status”; and
  • They have made a great living financially over massaging the misery of Black people; and
  • They want to mainstream black efforts seeking economic remedies for past racist injustices.

Hence, we should all beware of those who want to chastise and choke off Black dissent for the sake of Black unity and white acceptance. No more preaching pie in the sky while we wither on the vine. They are despicable and are perpetuating a façade dedicated to our demise. and overall, this is an affront to our economic survival and self-determination.



A snake raises it’s ugly head

A snake raises it’s ugly head 4

I thought going into 2021 we could leave behind the despicable people who misrepresented our values for honesty and decency. The former President of the Portland NAACP (E.D. Mondaine) was a straight-up disgrace and now he wants to try and rehabilitate is his horrible record with a disingenuous editorial of encouragement for the new leadership. It’s sad. This man is sick. Somebody needs to find him some help. As one other respondent to his article said, public officials who enabled him ought to apologize and acknowledge being complicit in his harm to the community. Until they do, it is also a stain on their leadership and character. And I don’t plan on letting them forget.

The Portland Observer newspaper ought not to be a platform for his poisonous lies and misrepresentations. And the Community ought to hold this paper accountable.

I was wrong as two Left Shoes


I was wrong as two Left Shoes 6

I was wrong as two Left Shoes 7

Needless to say, I was wrong as two left shoes about Georgia. No one could be happier than I about how black people and many whites showed up to change the national narrative about this state and the progressive prospects for this region. There is hope but we must not let our guard down now and put our shoulder to the wheel to take advantage of this enormous change. Still, 74 million folks voted for a racist lunatic. If that ain’t scary I don’t know what is.

Georgia’s True Colors will show on the January the 5th

Raphael Warnock

I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see how Warnock can win in Django country. For me, Georgia regardless of their nearly 12.000 votes blue win for Biden, epitomizes America’s hate for black people. Regardless of Atlanta’s reputation as the Black Mecca of America the rest of Georgia is KKK country and the land of the Red Necks. I hope there is a miracle on January 5th but my instincts tell the real south will rise again to show its ugly racist head. Anytime these confederate states can walk the plank for an imbecile like Don Trump and sell out democracy for the devil of white supremacy we just need to know we are all in trouble in 2021 and beyond. Somebody tell me I am wrong.



I am saying: It’s about time a Black Man represents on Portland City Council.

And it is not just because he’s black man but he is also highly qualified more so than others currently on the City Council. He will bring a black man’s perspective and act as a counter balance to the more left wing contingent on the council. They need that balance whether they know it or not. So Go Vote For Mingus, I did.

A Change has got to Come “”

A Change has got to Come "" 14

We have to make a change in leadership in November for the sake of the entire community. We have never needed a new US President and a strong creditable local NAACP more than we do today. I hope our community will become a member now, pay attention, read between the lines. vet the information thoroughly and make crucial decisions on November 3 and 21. I’m praying God will take control.

Black Power Now “No Negroes Allowed”


Black Power Now "No Negroes Allowed" 15
Brothers in the struggle

Black Power NOW!!!!”No Negroes Allowed”

I have to confess I am an old man now but I am still intrigued by the gap in generations and approaches to the “Struggle”. One thing for sure is that today’s young people are not having it the way OG’s have been laying it down. But the tension has always been there between the cause for “good trouble”, and peaceful activist, ala John Lewis, versus the Stokely Carmichaels (Kwame Ture) revolutionary wing.[0]=AT0_PXAW_EfpVINvFKESxy-eB7qEeuZLZ7XKTXPQfVZn3DhWqEVnBHfPRO63tTYA8hCs-MHVvJxzkTb-LSkDyTAP7M6fZvPaD2zidoCIowFoGOICuW-xo0282IMtKqjB2XvjAX70n8kbCzNckK18CQ

Thank Ahijamu Umi for the above  FB informative link. Of course, this brings a focus on the difference between the expression of the black struggle via BLM and the old guard NAACP agenda. The truth is, there is some crossover between the two. I ain’t going to lie, I have always favored the Stokely continent but respected the John Lewis courage aspect. Right now, it is completely different locally. In Portland, I truly love the young people today mirroring the Stokely activism of yesterday. See Julia Wallace I am particularly sickened by the scoundrel’s leadership of the local Portland branch of the NAACP. Again, here are my words in response to a FB post by Askari:

Nyewusi Askari

posted this:



Here in Portland, I hear rumblings from some self proclaimed Black leaders that the BLM protest is being hijacked by white folks.


I use the words self proclaimed, because, it’s difficult to know who truly represent Black folks here in Oregon. Here’s my take.


BLM has invited the whole world to get involved with its movement. It has invited people of all colors to step up and get involved. However, here in Portland, our Black leadership has missed the mark, and that is, the building of allies. Any social movement of this sorts need ALLIES. That we know for sho. Complaining don’t make sense when your house is on fire.


What I’m hearing from young, Black, protesters, is, “Portland’s old heads are outta step, and, outta time.” They seek the wisdom of their Elders, but, it ain’t goin down like that. We gotta do better y’all, because, we know better. Until next time y’all.

And this is my response:

You had to ASK. My daughters often tell me I don’t have to respond to everything and everybody but this subject is too serious to be silent.

Hijackers should be careful accusing others of hijacking. And those who live in glass houses ought not to throw stones. But in the case of appointed leaders who have appropriated their title and have made a mockery of the historic organization they head; their words are particularly despicable. They have not earned any respect from anybody and practice every day the same behavior they want you to believe the organization opposes. It is the most explicit mixture of good with evil. Demanding justice while practicing injustice within their own house. False leadership demanding transparency of the wide world while trying to hide every dishonest deed inhouse. Railing against violence in public while practicing warfare among their close to home constituents. Creating havoc in their interactions and organizational responsibilities while screaming and pleading for reconciliation and collaboration in public. Self-appointed black leaders feeding their narcissistic tendency will use every platform to draw attention to themselves and use every opportunity to ambulance chase every issue adversely impacting black people. It is clear they covet every opportunity to caress a camera, seek a media headlines, and I dare say are willing to create and embellish a crisis. And while some aspects of their description of events and explanation may be valid and true, their motives, focus, and intentions are enormously harmful because it’s mostly about self-aggrandizement and not the black community.

These appropriated leaders often live double lives and have more in the closets than skeletons. Everyday people like you I should vet the character of all those who claim they represent black people. Maybe we will never again have an opportunity to build partnerships and relationships with decent and honorable people of every race and class. But if we continue to let dishonorable carpetbaggers carry our water, we will all die of thrust without real solutions. Speaking out of both sides of the mouth, taking hypocrisy to new levels of degradation, modeling behavior in private that is borderline criminal. Surely black people will not continue to follow a self-proclaimed leader carrying this sort of reputation. Do something about it. Join the organization and vote his ass out in the next election Fall of 2020.



Why Kill Black Men like me?

I have a range of emotions about the current events of today, but you all know I have to get my voice out. In all this commotion about Portland and the Black Lives Matter movement, I want to focus us back on an event that helps frame the context. On October 16, 1995, I filmed segments of the Million Man March in Washington DC. It was one of the most inspiring events in my 75-year life span on this earth. It was beautiful beyond my wildest expectation. And because of all the chaos experienced on the streets of Portland daily, I wanted to point out, in contrast, the beautiful assembly of over a million black men more than a decade ago. And to note that contrary to popular perceptions, black men are the most peaceful species on the planet. When are we going to acknowledge that?

Please anybody who attended that event please see my short Youtube video. Believe it or not, Joyce Harris was there, Anthony and Freddie Polk were there and many more including O.B. Hill and Baruti Artharee. Please if you want to see something uplifting and inspiring, exposing the real character of black men, view this short version of that event:  Share it with your white friends who want to see who George Floyd is. And why it was not necessary to put a knee on his neck.

Hit me black and let me know what you think.